Sansevieria cylindrica
At Greenex our Sansevieria cylindrica can be used and displayed in many creative forms.
Our main focus is in the production of braided product and straights/single stems in various sizes to meet the needs of your specific pot sizes. Both of these options for Sansevieria cylindrica are also offered as coloured products.
The Sansevieria cylindrica 'Painted tips' come a wide range of striking colours, perfect to suit any container, theme or market.
At Greenex we offer high quality unrooted cuttings of Sansevieria cylindrica by Air or Sea shipment, depending on your location, your needs and what type and size of plant you require.
Available for shipment to your location as unrooted cuttings.
For more information, feel free to download the full Product Assortment below or get in touch with one of our Sales Representatives.

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