Sansevieria Hybrids
Sansevieria Hybrids are a newly bred assortment of vigorous and unique Sansevieria varieties. They offer columnar growth and alternate branching, available in several sizes.
Greenex Sansevieria Hybrids are attractive and trendy plants for modern households. They are tolerant of nearly any treatment and offer long shelf-life at the consumer level.
- Sansevieria hybrid 'Bato'
- Sansevieria hybrid 'Glacier'
- Sansevieria hybrid 'Gojo'
- Sansevieria hybrid 'Kabuta
- Sansevieria hybrid 'Sonic'
At Greenex we offer high quality unrooted cuttings of our Sansevieria Hybrids by Air or Sea shipments, depending on your plant size, needs, and location.
Available for shipment to your location as unrooted cuttings.
For more information, feel free to download the full Product Assortment below or get in touch with one of our Sales Representatives.

Showing 16 products

Bato Natural - 06 CM

Bato Natural - 08 CM

Bato Natural - 10 CM

Glacier Natural - 06 CM

Glacier Natural - 10 CM

Gojo Natural - 06 CM

Gojo Natural - 08 CM

Goto Natural - 10 CM

Kabuto Natural - 06 CM

Kabuto Natural - 08 CM

Kabuto Natural - 10 CM

Natural - 06 CM

Natural - 08 CM

Natural - 10 CM

Natural - 12 CM

Sonic Natural - 06 CM